Voluntary work could provide you with a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in peoples lives by contributing your particular skills and talents to others, If you are interested in ‘working with people’ careers it could also provide you with valuable insights and work experience. The following are sources of information on voluntary work vacancies in Ireland and abroad.

Volunteer Centre Ireland is the national organisation with responsibility for developing volunteering in Ireland, both nationally and locally, including their centre in Carlow.

Volunteering Ireland has a database of both residential and non-residential voluntary work opportunities in Ireland as well as an excellent list of other volunteer agencies in Ireland and abroad.

  • Working Abroad.com provides information on volunteer opportunities in over 150 countries worldwide.
  • VSO International development charity that works through volunteers.
  • Global Volunteer Network places volunteers in community projects worldwide.
  • Community Service Volunteers is a UK charity with a range of volunteering opportunities in areas such as the media and the environment.
  • Volunteers for Peace A US based organisation. Contains links to other voluntary organisations world-wide including Ireland.
  • Action without Borders has a database of international volunteer opportunities as well as links to other organisations promoting global volunteering.
  • Oneworld co-ordinates many NGO job vacancies (Oxfam, Christian Aid, Caritas etc).